Blueprint - Mix 2x12 White from 2x RGB ins zero jumps

Game version v1 Created on Oct 26, 2024

Mix 2x12 White from 2x RGB ins zero jumps

Produces two full outputs of white paint in a 1x2p using a balanced 1:1:1 ratio. It uses a new mixer group I made to turn RGB into secondaries and then turn secondaries into white. Also, it doesn't use any jumps so it loads faster and avoids jump related issues. Each input is levels of primaries. I usually use RGB (red = top, green = middle, blue = bottom), but that puts yellow on the top. So, in the screenshot I use a sorter to change RGB to BRG which puts yellow on the bottom and magenta on the top. This platform replaces all my previous versions of 2x12 white output. Those used a helper 1x1p on the side. Also, you can turn this blueprint into a 1x12 output version by deleting half. That replaces my 1x2p which makes 1x12 white out on its own but uses jumps.
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